Prototype(?) VT50 DECScope

Here are two VT50 DecScopes. The one on the right is a normal VT50. The one on the left
is very unusual. The case is made from some kind of rough mold that resembles the production VT50 case,
but is all one piece, except for the top cover, which is one piece and is made of metal. There is no bottom cover.
The back cover was a metal grille that was taped onto the back with duct tape.
The keycaps are not the usual color. The board in the back is not even fastened to the cabinet, and is warped.
I obtained it from a former DEC employee who said that the company gave it to him to use to work
from home back in the 1970s. It appears to be an internal non-production model.
More pictures are below.
Normal VT50 keyboard (note that there are colored keys, there is no Caps Lock key, and some keys are different):

Keyboard on the "non-standard" VT50:

Back view of the "non-standard" VT50:

Back and bottom view of the "non-standard" VT50:

Bottom view of the "non-standard" VT50:
